Смотреть что такое "bowls" в других словарях:
Bowls — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Torneo Bowls (también conocido como Bowls sobre hierba) es un deporte de precisión cuya meta es hacer rodar unas bolas de radio ligeramente asimétrico (llamadas bowls, o bolas en español) para que… … Wikipedia Español
bowls — [bōlz] n. LAWN BOWLING * * * n [U] a game, played on a smooth grass area called a bowling green, in which two to eight players take turns to roll large black balls as near as possible to a small white ball. The balls are heavier on one side so… … Universalium
Bowls — Spielfeld Bowlsspieler in Aktion Bowls ist ein britisches … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bowls — [boʊlz] <Pl.> [engl. bowls, Pl. von: bowl = Kugel]: ↑ Bowling (2). * * * Bowls [bəʊlz] das, , Lawnbowling. * * * Bowls [bəʊlz] <Pl.> [engl. bowls, Pl. von: bowl = Kugel]: ↑Bowling (2) … Universal-Lexikon
Bowls — (b[=o]lz), n. pl. See {Bowl}, a ball, a game. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bowls — ► PLURAL NOUN (treated as sing. ) ▪ a game played with heavy wooden bowls, the object of which is to propel one s bowl as close as possible to a small white ball (the jack) … English terms dictionary
Bowls — (spr. bōls), beliebtes engl. Kugelspiel, wird auf einem ebenen Rasenplatz (Bowlinggreen) gespielt. Jeder der in zwei Parteien geteilten Spieler hat zwei hölzerne, 6–8 Zoll Durchmesser haltende Kugeln, die er derart über den Rasen rollt, daß sie… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
bowls — [ boulz ] noun uncount BRITISH LAWN BOWLING … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bowls — (n.) game played with balls, mid 15c. (implied in bowlyn), from gerund of bowl wooden ball (early 15c.), from O.Fr. bole (13c., Mod.Fr. boule) ball, ultimately from L. bulla bubble, knob, round thing (see BULL (Cf. bull) (2)). Noon apprentice … Etymology dictionary
bowls — [bōlz] n. LAWN BOWLING … English World dictionary
Bowls — For other uses, see Bowl (disambiguation). Bowls Lawn bowler Tim Mason First played 13th century Characteristics Categorization … Wikipedia